Watch Sophie Turner Slap Conan O'Brien Across the Face During Drinking Game

The Dark Phoenix actress taught the late-night host how to play "tequila slaps"

By Elyse Dupre Jun 06, 2019 12:00 PMTags
Sophie Turner, Conan O'BrienYouTube

Ouch. That looked like it hurt.

Sophie Turner smacked Conan O'Brien across the face while playing a round of "tequila slaps" on Wednesday's episode of Conan.

To play the drinking game, players stand face-to-face and one of them takes a shot of tequila. Before the player can finish the shot, the other player slaps the drinker across the face. 

After explaining the rules of the game, the Game of Thrones star took off her rings and poured the late-night host a shot. While O'Brien was downing the drink, Turner whacked him across the face. It seemed like the slap was a little harder than she intended, too.

"I'm sorry!" she said, giving O'Brien a hug. 

However, the comedian didn't seem upset.

"Wow! That was a fantastic slap," he said.

Sophie Turner & Jessica Chastain Play Strong Women in "Dark Phoenix"

The actress, who played the drinking game with her Dark Phoenix co-stars, then told O'Brien she's slapped someone "harder" before.

 "We go really really hard with each other," she said, noting players give each other permission to slap before playing.

Watch the video to see them play "tequila slaps."